If you're having issues with your navigation unit showing just 'Day mode' or just 'Night mode' please follow these steps:
1. Try to adjust your dimmer in your vehicles dash. This is connected to your navigation unit and may cause the unit to assume it's dark outside when its not.
2. Under Menu>Display be sure it's set to Auto. Additionally, under Menu>Clock verify your time is set correctly and is in the correct time zone, however the GPS should correct this automatically.
3. Try a canbus reset:
•Remove positive and negative cables from the vehicles battery.
•Touch and hold the cables together for a few seconds
(if you have a diesel disconnect both batteries, then do one battery at a time then go to next step)
•With all doors closed, lock the vehicle and let it sit for 15 minutes.
•After the 15 minutes unlock the vehicle, and start vehicle with the door open, test radio.
If you're still having issues, please feel free to reach out to the support team or open a ticket.
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