Download this to the desktop of your computer. It will ask if you want to download it anyway, just say yes.
Once you have it downloaded, just double click the zipped folder, it's called UCONNECT_R1LOW_160.00.21_MY22_NA. Inside the zipped folder you'll see a file with the same name (after the 160 there are more numbers). Click and hold that file, and drop that file onto the blank USB drive on your PC.
This needs to be done on a Windows computer, as the USB drive needs to be FAT32 format, and I don't think Apple Computers use that format.
Once the USB drive is loaded, you just need to start the truck, so the vehicle is running and the radio is fully booted up. Plug it into the USB port in the center console/arm rest, and the radio should prompt to do the update. Click accept, and it might take about 30 minutes to fully install.